Thursday, 24 September 2020

EPM 11.2.2 - APS Fails to Start Correctly

There is a bug in EPM 11.2.2 which causes the Analytic Provider Services web application to fail to start up correctly the second time it is launched. You won't be able to connect to Essbase using Smart View and you will see these errors in the APS log file:

<Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101216> <Servlet:"oracle.webservices.essbase.DatasourceService" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/essbase-webservices".

weblogic.application.ModuleException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to deploy/initialize the application as given archive is missing required standard webservice deployment decriptor.

The fix can be found in Oracle Support Doc ID 2693784.1. You'll need to apply APS patch to your EPM 11.2.2 install. This might seem strange to have to apply a patch from the previous version but remember that EPM 11.2.2 actually runs Essbase version under the covers.

I can confirm that once you apply the patch, APS starts correctly. Everyone can go and have a nice cup of tea.

Friday, 18 September 2020

EPM 11.2.x - Where did my Oracle Wallet Manager Go?

Recently I had to install EPM 11.2.x for a customer using MS SQL Server as their relational repository. The EPM installer package comes bundled with the option to install the Oracle Client. This customer didn't need the client so there was no need to add the Oracle clients to the installed options.

Big Mistake!

The Oracle Wallet Manager is used to create SSL certificate requests and to import new certificates for Oracle HTTP Server. In previous versions of EPM, the EPM stack would also install the Oracle Wallet Manager for you by default.  This is no longer the case in EPM 11.2.x, the Wallet Manager only gets installed if you install the Oracle Client:

Lesson: always install the Oracle Client as part of the EPM stack, even if you don't need it!

Fortunately the Oracle client installer can be found in the unzipped EPM installation extracts: <Extract Location>\db64\Disk1

Run the setup.exe and your Oracle Wallet Manager will appear by magic. Happy SSLing!